“Apart from prayer — abiding, enduring, believing prayer — we’re as dead as a doorknob with all our doctrine. How I need God! I feel sometimes I can’t breathe — unless I have Him.

Some of you know. And maybe you have forgotten. You remember those times of tarrying in His presence. And you knew God was there, not just because of a doctrine that told you He was omnipresent, but that presence of His was manifest in that room with you. Once that has touched your life, you can’t live without that.

… Read Edwards. Read Brainerd. Read my dearest, Charles Spurgeon. Read Flavel… Our people perish for a lack of knowledge… They need God’s word, but they need the Spirit of God to reveal it. We need the Spirit of God to touch our mouths to touch our hearts, to touch our lives… I’m so tired of words. Yet words are precious. But without the Spirit of God, it’s nothing. Oh, to know Him!”

— Paul Washer