“We can all say that we started off life, to use an illustration, with a ball of string neatly rolled up. But, through the years that string we have tied up into ten thousand or ten million knots. And now, as we look at this ball of string, tied into ten thousand or ten million knots, we’re frustrated, we’re discouraged, we’re wondering what we can do. And then comes to us this wonderful message of the Bible: that Jesus Christ can untie every knot.
I don’t know how many knots you’ve got your life tied up into friend, but I want to tell you the good news: every single knot Jesus can untie. He can give you back a whole roll of string, with your whole life just as if you were born now. And you can start life all over again, if you’ll turn to Jesus Christ, call upon His name and say, ‘Lord Jesus, you came to destroy the works of the devil–destroy those works in my life.'” – Zac Poonen